Autism Takes Flight Event at ILM

Autism Takes Flight at ILM is a special event at ILM that takes place once a year to allow autistic people and their families to rehearse air travel with the goal of reducing the stress involved. Not only does the event provide the opportunity for families to rehearse for air travel, but it also provides invaluable experience and training for TSA, Airport and Airline personnel. The families experience nearly every aspect of air travel including checking in and checking luggage, going through the security checkpoint, and picking up luggage at the baggage claim. Board certified Behavior Analysts will be present for the entirety of the event as well as at a small reception after the event for networking with the Analysts and other families, which will be held in the ILM Executive Conference room. If you’d like to attend the event please contact Amber at or call her at (919)630-8764.

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